Originally devised in Scotland on the mighty Loch Leven this generic lure pattern has been unbelievably popular for both Rainbow and Brown Trout all around the world! This fly has caught Rainbows in Alaska, Brown Trout in Tasmania and literally thousands of stocked and wild fish here in the UK. This is a particularly good baitfish pattern and often best paired with a Black and Gold or a Black and Silver variation.
As per the original dressing this is tied on a size 8 heavyweight wet fly hook with large bead chain eyes and the all important long "webby" Cree hackle.
Hook- Heavy Wet Size 8.
Bead- Chain Eyes 4mm
Overall length- Approx 6cm.
Tail- Premium Bight White Marabou with fine Silver and UV Flashabou.
Body- 6mm Silver Cactus chennile
Hackle- Cree Variant.
International Comp legal- No.