One thing we really pride ourselves on here at Fario Fly is the quality of our Boobies...that's right they're awesome! With even and smooth foam eyes, soft marabou wings and tied with perfect proportions we are confident that our Booby range cannot be beaten on quality or pattern choice for this style of fly.
The Fario Biscuit Booby is tied to the original standard as specified by its creator- Ronnie Gilbert. The colours of Blob Fritz used and the ratio in which they are used is the original and the best dressing so don't be fooled by any imitations.
Our specifically dyed biscuit fritz is available to buy here.
Do not go afloat without this fly in your box!
Hook- Heavy Wet Fly 12-10
Overall length- Approx 16-21 mm
Eyes- 3.5mm Yellow or 5mm Yellow.
Body- 2/3 Biscuit Coral/ 1/3 Biscuit sunburst. (The proper stuff)
International Comp legal- Yes.