Our Foam Daddies are tied with the competition angler in mind. Strictly tied to international size whilst still have the important "Leggy Daddy" profile.
The foam bodies are made with solid coloured high density foam which gives a great colour match for the naturals and also due to its composition means the bodies are kept slim and natural but still float well. To achieve the wing profile we have used a transparent tiny cree hackle which gives a very natural profile.
The Foam Daddy range is available in a number of essential colours including Natural Tan, Brown, Orange (One of our favourites), black and Olive (Which is a great summer fly).
Hook- Barbless Grub Hook.
Legs- Double knotted nat brown Pheasant tail.
Body- Orange High Density Foam
Wings- Cree cock hackle fibres
Hackle- Nat brown saddle hackle
Great when used with the Brown Foam Daddy.